My name is Kaitlin.
Based out of Pittsburgh, PA and available for travel worldwide.
I am a self-proclaimed cat lady. (Okay. Not really self-proclaimed. I just am.)
I believe in happiness, love & laughter, being kind to one another and being yourself.
My sweet tooth will not be denied.
Music is deep, deep, deep within my soul.
I collect vinyl, tea cups & elephants from around the world.
I talk. A lot.
I'd rather spend my night at a concert or playing board games.
I cry at every wedding I go to.
I've got the travel bug. Bad.
Gilmore Girls is my all time favorite show.
My #1 bucket list item is to hug an elephant someday.
I think the smell of snow is comforting.
I could eat Mexican, Thai or Indian every day and be totally satisfied.
I will un-apologetically stop and pet anything cute & fluffy. (Especially random street cats I find during photo sessions.)